VPA Convention Committees |
For phone number information, please send an e-mail with your phone
number to
or contact the respective Committee
2007 VPA
Convention |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
B.J Arun |
bj.arun@californiadigital.com |
- Assures to conduct the conference along the lines of VPA
objectives and VPA Convention Guidelines
- Meet convention committees on a regular basis and provide
directions and resources
- Work with the VPA President to resolve any issues or
conflicts before, during and after the conference
- Communicate with the VPA Executive Committee (EC) and
Board of Trustees (BOT) on a regular basis with the progress
of the convention activities.
- Work with the VPA President, EC, BOT to finalize the
convention committees.
Co-Chair |
Sumanth Venugopal |
svenugopal@conformia.com |
Publicity Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Chethan Chandra |
chethan.h.chandra@gmail.com |
- Develop contents and publicity materials (logos, banners,
- Coordinate with all VPA regional Chapters to get the current
address list
- Print publicity materials, stationeries (envelopes, letterheads,
business cards, etc.)
- Mail all conference materials including registration forms,
program forms, etc.
- Coordinate with VPA Regional chapter presidents in publicizing
the conference.
- Coordinate with Website committee for posting contents
in a timely manner and e-mail communication.
- Mail formal invitation to the registrants
- Send e-mail reminder to all the registrants before the
conference with helpful information.
- Send thank you e-mail to all the registrants after the
- Send e-mail to entire VPA community about the success
of the conference
- Post conference press release to Local & Indian news
Co-Chair |
Vinod Keremane |
kgvinu@yahoo.com |
Co-Chair |
Sumanth Venugopal |
svenugopal@conformia.com |
Apurva Chandra |
apurva.chandra@gmail.com |
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2. Finance
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
BJ Arun |
bj.arun@californiadigital.com |
- Develop & oversee the budget for the conference
- Lead fundraising activities
- Solicit advertisements for the conference souvenir.
- Solicit sponsorships for programs, food, atrtists, etc.
- Establish Checking account for the conference with Non-profit
- Deposit checks into conference checking account
- Keep track of accounts receivables & accounts payables
- Document all expense receipts
- Prepare accounts for auditing at the end of the conference
- Present Financial statement at the conference and to the
VPA Board
- Appropriate funds left over adhering to VPA guidelines.Close
the conference checking account
- Regional coordinatotrs are responsible for fund raising
activities in their respective regions
Co-Chair |
Divakar |
docdivakar@yahoo.com |
Shobha Madegowda |
shobha@indiacc.org |
Abi Kariguddaiah |
abitahne@yahoo.com |
Anand Prasad |
axprasad@hotmail.com |
Chair (Booths) |
Gopi |
govardhanht@yahoo.com |
Co-Chair (Booths) |
Shobha Madegowda |
shobha@indiacc.org |
Archana Madadi |
archana_madadi@yahoo.com |
Deepika Venugopal |
deepikasumanth@aol.com |
Sumanth Venugopal |
svenugopal@conformia.com |
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3. Food
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
BJ Arun |
bj.arun@californiadigital.com |
- Prior to Conference:
- Develop food budget
- Selecting menu for BBQ, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Get quotes from at least 2 different chefs for the
selected menu
- Select chefs
- Arranging pre-conference sample taste with the actual
preparation of the menu selected
- Coordinate with the Hotel Kitchen staff to meet chef’s
- Identify and follow of any regulatory compliance requirements
with the hotel and the state government.
- During Conference:
- Recruit volunteers for food serving
- Escort tables in an orderly fashion to the buffet
- Make sure all food items are available during serving
Co-Chair |
Ravishankar |
ravishankar_b@yahoo.com |
Chaithanya Venugopal |
chai_venugopal@yahoo.com |
Manjunath |
mnarayanaiah@gmail.com |
Vinay Jagadish |
vinayjag@gmail.com |
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4. Program
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Veena Ramesh |
vshivaraj@hotmail.com |
- Develop Program registration form, rules, guidelines,
and deadline for submitting programs
- Contact VPA regional chapters soliciting programs.
- Select well-balanced programs for the conference representing
kids, adults, dance, drama, music, etc.
- Set program duration, schedule, and sequence for each
- Create final program schedule chart to be printed in the
"Program Book"
- Inform program participants about
their performance day & time slot
- Get requirements of the selected programs for any special
resources required such as lighting, background scene, music,
- Obtain needed materials (CDs, Cassette Tapes, DVD’s,
etc) from the program participants - Edit, Compile &
Burn CDs
- Coordinate with MC committee for introduction, announcements,
and any special resources required for the programs
- Develop Audio/video requirements for the programs
- Coordinate with Audio/Video Committee in meeting A/V (microphones,
background lighting, etc.) requirements
- Select background music during procession, lunch, dinner,
breaks, etc.
- Manage time during program execution
- Prepare a list of all the participants and work with Recognition
& Awards committee in procuring the awards & certificates
for the program participants
- Program must include a VPA General body meeting on Sunday
- Select DJ and music for dance - Complile & Burn CDs
Co-Chair |
Radhakrshna Talkad |
radhu.talkad@gmail.com |
Yuvakara Bandhu |
Yuvakara_Bandhu@gmail.com |
Gayathri Bhaskar (VIP) |
gayathri.bhaskar@gmail.com |
Chethan Chandra |
chethan.h.chandra@gmail.com |
Yogesh Devraj |
yogesh_vpa07@yahoo.com |
Sham Ganjam |
shamganjam@yahoo.com |
Shashi Ganjam |
SGanjam@ci.fairfield.ca.us |
Vinod Keremane |
kgvinu@yahoo.com |
Tarini Kumar |
tarinikumar@hotmail.com |
Smita Shankar |
smita862@yahoo.com |
Sarayu Somaskekar (Kids) |
sarayus@yahoo.com |
Jyothsna Talkad |
jtalkad.vpa@gmail.com |
Prabhu Dev (VIP) |
prabhu_dev@hotmail.com |
Mish Dev |
mesant_dev@yahoo.com |
Jayanth Dev |
jayanth_dev@yahoo.com |
Malini Devraj |
maliniy@yahoo.com |
Ravishankar |
ravishankar_b@yahoo.com |
Gopi |
govardhanht@yahoo.com |
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5. Stage
& Decor Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Sharath Shankar |
sharathbs@yahoo.com |
- Coordinate with the Program committee in developing requirements
for the stage size
- Design & Display VPA Convention Banners through the
- Work with the Venue vendors to set up the stage
- Coordinate with A/V and lighting committee to set up
the stage ambience
- Arrange flowers, plants, ornaments, and other Paraphernalia
to decorate following areas:
- Stage
- Registration desk, Reception area
- Hall entrance, Breakout rooms
- Dining table
Co-Chair |
Satish Chandra Dogganahalli |
sathishchandrads@yahoo.com |
Mamtha Keremane |
mamathacs@yahoo.co.in |
Vinod Keremane |
kgvinu@yahoo.com |
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Master Of Ceremony (MC) Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Sushma Arun Kumar |
sanantharam@hotmail.com |
- Coordinate with the Program committee and A/V committee
to arrange required microphones (wired & wireless)
- Coordinate with the Program Committee in developing the
script for announcement for each program
- Develop MCs schedule with equal participation of MCs.
- Coordinate with the program committee in managing the
time during program execution.
- Develop a standard dialogues for program transitions.
- All MC scripts must be typed to avoid impromptu speeches
by the MCs.
Mish Dev |
mesant_dev@yahoo.com |
Jayanth Dev |
jayanth_dev@yahoo.com |
Ravi Reddy |
Veena Gowda |
Chethan |
Jyothsna Talkad |
Arjun Gowda |
Prapanch |
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7. Audio,
Video, & Lighting Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Bhaskar |
- Coordinate with the Program committee and the MC committee
to identify the A/V & Lighting equipments required
- Develop budget for the A/V and Lighting equipments
- Coordinate with the A/V vendor to procure the needed
- Set up A/V & Lighting equipments
- Arrange still & video photography
Co-Chair |
Smita Shankar |
smita862@yahoo.com |
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8. Website
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Ramesh Gowda |
- Develop web graphics
- Coordinate with the Publicity committee in posting conference
related materials on myvpa.org website on a regular basis
- Set up online registration process
- Coordinate with the Registration committee consolidating
e-mails of the registrants
- Coordinate with the Publicity committee in sending e-mail
reminders to VPA community on a regular basis regarding
the progress of the conference
- Post pictures from the conference on the web
Co-Chair |
Sharath Shankar |
sharathbs@yahoo.com |
Apurva Chandra |
apurva.chandra@gmail.com |
Sumanth Venugopal |
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11. Volunteer
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Bhagvan Cheeyandra |
- Get volunteer requirements from various committees
- Recruit volunteers
- Communicate and coordinate with volunteers during:
- Registration process
- Accommodation
- Food serving
- Transportation
- Information on local attraction / site seeing activities
- Compile things & places in the Bay Area
suitable for trips after the convention
Kannika Cheeyandra |
ckannika@gmail.com |
Amulya Parthasarathy |
amulyap@pacbell.net |
Anand Prasad |
Udaya Shankar |
uday_shankar@hotmail.com |
Ramesh Thimmappa |
ramesh.thimmappa@gmail.com |
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12. Souvenir
& Program Book Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair & Editor |
Tarini Kumar |
tarinikumar@hotmail.com |
- Develop budget for printing and shipping Souvenir –
- Develop a theme for the Souvenir publication
- Design cover graphics for the Souvenir
- Solicit articles, poems, etc for the Souvenir
- Coordinate with the Finance committee in seeking ads
- Identify Printer & shipping issues to print them
- Work with the Program Committee in developing the “Program
- Arrange a photo session for committees group pictures
to be printed in Souvenir
- Coordinate with out of state committee members to obtain
their pictures to be included in the Souvenir
Assoc. Editor |
Sharmila Kumar |
sharmilak@comcast.net |
Assoc. Editor |
Sushma Seetharam |
sushma_@yahoo.com |
Assoc. Editor |
Sumanth Venugopal |
svenugopal@conformia.com |
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13. Registration
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Sumitra Shankar |
sumisharath@yahoo.com |
- Prior to Conference:
- Coordinate with Finance Committee to establish registration
fees for adult, children, late registration fee, cancellation
fee, etc.
- Develop registration form including option to subscribe
VPA membership, CME enrollment
- Coordinate with Website committee to set up online
- Coordinate with Publicity Committee in mailing out
the Registration form
- Maintain database of the registrants by mail, fax,
and online.
- Coordinate with Publicity and Website committees
in sending formal and e-mail invitation to the registrants
- Develop FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pertaining
to registrations, cancellations, etc. to be published
on the web
- Prepare Name Badges for the Registrants, Volunteers
and Committee members
- Prepare registration Packages containing Name badge,
Souvenir, goodies, etc.
- Develop a theme for the Registration committee members
(common dress – same color saree, kurha, etc.)
- On the day of the Conference:
- Coordinate with Stage & Décor Committee
to decorate the Registration Booths
- Check in the Registrants and distribute the registration
- Direct them to Hospitality area for further information
Co-Chair |
Sumanth Venugopal |
svenugopal@conformia.com |
Gopi |
govardhanht@yahoo.com |
Vinay Jagadish |
vinayjag@gmail.com |
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14. Hospitality
Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
Nag Boranna |
nag_boranna@yahoo.com |
- Setting up Information / first aid kits at the venue
and provide information on closest hospital and ER facilities.
- Provide information on road/freeway constructions, provide
alternative route to the venue
- In case of natural disaster, work with Registration Committe
to handle communications aspects
- Provide assistance in checking into the rooms, parking
information, etc.
- Provide information about sight seeing places and nearby
- If necessary, arrange transportation services from the
Venue-Hotel-Venue . Must do it for high level Dignitaries
- Accommodation and transportation arrangements for the
dignitaries and guests - may have to reserve rooms or suites
for the dignitaries under VPA name
- Work with Registration Committee to generate a list of
Sponsorers (free room for Gold & Platinum sponsorers)
- Allocate rooms (reserved under VPA) for sponsorers.
- Make a flyer (to be distributed at the time of check-in)
with relevant & crtical information the guests need
to have to make their visit comfortable.
Co-Chair |
Deepika Venugopal |
deepikasumanth@aol.com |
Sushma Anantharam |
sanantharam@hotmail.com |
Srivalli Chandra |
srivalli.chandra@gmail.com |
Archana Madadi |
archana_madadi@yahoo.com |
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16. Recognition
& Awards Committee |
Title |
Name |
Email |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Chair |
- Prepare a list to recognize VPA members for their community
- Arrange trophies & Certificates for the conference
participants and Committee members
- Assist convention chair in preparing vote of thanks to
recognize all people involved making the conference successful
- Assist convention chair in organizing post-convention
get-together to thank local VPA members involved in the
Co-Chair |
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