Dr. Alok Choudhary is a professor at
Kellog School of Management at Northwestern
University and the founder and CEO of
VOXSUP, a social media analytics company.
He is the founding director of the Center for Ultra-scale
Computing and Information Security (CUCIS), which involves several
schools, National Labs and universities. He is the academic director
of the Executive Program on "Managing Customer Relationships for
Profit" in the Kellogg School of Management's executive education
program, and is a member of the Center for Genetic Medicine.
Prof. Choudhary was a co-founder and VP of Technology of
Accelchip Inc., in 2000, which was eventually acquired by
Xilinx. In addition to being responsible for technology, he
also raised finances from VCs and customers. He
also serves on the Board or Technical Advisory Board of several